
Updated 6/8/2024

The following rules are a set of guidelines to help team captains solve a problem if a disagreement arises. If both team captains agree to play a game or match under circumstances not covered by these rules, then no protest will be allowed.

1. Good sportsmanship shall be the prevailing attitude at all WV DARTS sanctioned events.

2. During league play, both captains and the league director must agree to any minor changes to these rules.

3. DARTS -Players may use their own darts as long as they are unaltered factory issued darts and tips, do not exceed (8) inches in length and do not exceed 20 grams in weight.

4. FOUL LINE - All games shall have foul (toe) lines positioned 8 feet from the mark on the right hand side of the machine. A Player's foot may not touch the ground in front of the toe line before the release of the dart during the throw.

5. DARTBOARD - If the dartboard is not operating properly, the captains will decide whether to play, call for repairs, or make up the game. If the match is completed, no protest will be allowed. If captains cannot decide, call the league directors. Any player/team who intentionally damages or tilts the machine (causing the machine to shut down or reset) automatically forfeits the match and may be subject to a lifetime ban at the discretion of the league director.

6. GAMES - All leagues may play different games. If playing an x01 game, remember the freeze rule. In games with double in/double out rule, you must hit the outer ring to win.
If you need 8 to win, you must hit the outer ring of the #4. You may also end the game with the bulls-eye if you need 50 points to win.

7. ROUND - Each player throws a maximum of three (3) darts per round. Players do not have to throw all 3 darts per turn.

8. TEAM - Teams will consist of four to eight players. The amount of players that can play in the match is determined by the league.

9. ELIGIBLE PLAYER - Eligible players are any player on good standing with WV Darts and on the team roster. If you have a good reason to question the identity of a player, the league director requires both captains to cooperate in resolving the question. After a player has played 3 matches for a team, he/she must be added to the team roster. An active player can permanently transfer to a different team only with written consent from the captain of his/her previous team. Only one transfer per player is allowed per season.

10. INELIGIBLE PLAYER - An ineligible player is a player who is currently a member of another team's roster or a person banned from either the match location or WV Darts events. If a player is banned from a location, there is no provision to allow them into the location for league play. They will need to get a sub when they play at that location. If a player instigates a fight during dart league night, they are subject to a lifetime ban at the discretion of the league director.

11. DUES - All nightly dues are to be paid on the night of the match. Any sponsorship pledged to a team is an agreement between the team and the sponsoring party. If a sponsor fails to pay league dues, it is the sole responsibility of the team to provide payment.

12. GAME TIME - Game time is at 7:30 p.m. Teams will have 15 minutes to show. If both compete teams arrive by 7:45 p.m. then the match will begin. If a team does not show by 7:45 p.m., options are as follows:
A. Opposing team captain can choose to wait a little longer for the other team and play the match out.
B. Opposing team captain may allow the match to be made up another day. Please refer to the postponement rule below.
C. If a team does not have the required players for a match, but an eligible player is available as a substitute, the team captain may contact the league director to get the player added to the team roster with their handicap. Players may only be typed into the board and play without a handicap (0.0 average) if the league director can't be reached and both captains agree on the potential handicap advantage/disadvantage for the substitute player.

13. POSTPONEMENTS - The league director will absolutely not recognize the inability to field a full team on the regular scheduled match date as valid case for postponement. Using substitute players is encouraged over postponement. If your team cannot make a match, it is the captain's responsibility to contact the opposing team's captain and league director as soon as possible. NO MATCHES MAY BE RESCHEDULED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE LEAGUE DIRECTOR.
If a team receives a forfeit, the forfeit needs to be entered into the board within 2 days of the original match date. See the forfeit rule for directions on how to enter the forfeit at the dartboard.

14. FORFEITS - In the event that the opposing team does not show and it will become forfeit, you must notify the league director within 48 hours of the scheduled match, indicating which team forfeits the match. If the league director is not notified, both teams will forfeit the match.
To receive points for the forfeited match, it must be entered into the dartboard along with the team dues. To enter a forfeit choose your team as both the home and away team. This will prompt the dartboard to create the forfeit. Teams will receive wins for 70% of the games forfeited (9 wins of a 13 games league).
Any team that forfeits 3 matches will be expelled from the league for the remainder of the current season.

15. INCORRECT SCORING - If a dart scores incorrectly, the score may be corrected using the BACKUP DART feature on the dartboard as long as the dart is still sticking into the dartboard.
All score corrections should be agreed on by both team captains. Any dart that has been pulled from the dartboard or has bounced out may not be corrected.
Each player should verify the dartboard is ready for their throw, presenting their name and that all 3 darts scores are available when they approach the toe line. If a player throws on an opponent's score because the previous throw did not register all 3 darts it should also be corrected with the BACKUP DART feature on the dartboard. If the score causes a win, the win will be given to the other team as the thrower who threw out of turn. Captains must notify the league director of which game this occurred.

16. COACHING - Any members of the team may coach their own players. Players may not be coached by anyone outside of their team. Coaching players must not delay the game for an exorbitant amount of time.

17. OUT OF TURN PLAYER - It is each player's responsibility, to see that the machine is displaying that players name prior to throwing any darts. If a player throws when machine is displaying an opponent's name the opponent has the option of accepting the score allowing play to continue, or resetting the machine with the BACKUP DART feature on the dartboard and then continuing play. If in team play a player throws when the machine is displaying the name of that player's partner. Each player on that team loses one turn immediately. If the score causes a win, the other team will receive the winning game. Notify the league director of which game. League director must be notified before the next game starts.

18. STANDINGS - Teams will receive one (1) point per game won. Total team points will determine standings.

19. PAYOUTS - Prize money will be paid out after the end of the league season. In the event of teams being tied for position at the end of the regular season the payout for the ranking spots will be combined and split evenly. If the league has a scheduled banquet the money will be distributed at the banquet. Otherwise the league director will notify team captains of the time and place of money distribution. Prize money will only be given to the team captain or a person designated by the team captain beforehand with the league director. The distribution between players is an agreement between the captain and teammates. WV Darts does not dictate how prize money is distributed amongst teammates.

20. PROTEST - Disputes should be handled on a captain-to-captain basis whenever possible. Disputes and protests can be brought to the league director's attention for solution. In all matters of rules, infractions, penalties and interpretations, the league director's decision will be binding and FINAL.

21. DISCRIMINATION - Racial, ethnic and sexual slurs will not be tolerated. If a visiting team player is subjected to any type of racial, ethnic or sexual slur, the captain of the home team must notify the individual in charge at that location to address the situation. If the situation continues, the match is to be stopped and moved to the visiting teams bar if the home team refuses to go to the visiting teams bar to shoot, the match is forfeited to the visiting team. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

22. RULE CHANGES - WV DARTS has the right to amend any or all of these rules at any time during league play. Captains will be notified of any changes.